

Things have been pretty busy over here lately, so first i'll let you know what's coming up, then I'll let you know how amazing the past few weeks have been!

First up, I've been invited by the Acoustic Hack group of the London hackspace to join them at THE TATE MODERN on the 25th as part of the turbine hall festival! 

It is a massive honour and the day looks to be one of the most fun days you could possibly have, ever. More details are here: http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern/performance-and-music/hackoustic

Secondly, I have my next scrap instrument building workshop at Machinesroom set for August 1st, half the tickets have gone already so catch them fast if you'd like to come! Tickets are here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/introduction-to-scrap-instrument-making-with-vulpestruments-tickets-17653195182?aff=es2

Last weekend was Childwickbury Arts fair. Which was an amazing and busy weekend full of some very incredible artists. Thank you to everyone who came and chatted and played the instruments and took a business card! I'm going to prepare some stock for the christmas market later in the year and see if they'll have me back!

Also recently, was my residency at machinesroom, which was not only super-fun but reeeaaalllly inspiring to see the potential of what their machines can produce. I've come up with a prototype instrument that uses a single sheet of plywood on the laser cutter. So once that's finished i'll post the results here!