

It's been a while since an update so I'll keep this brief.
  • In 12 days’ time I will be running an ultra-marathon, which is a ridiculous distance of 50k (2,343 Blue Whales, 555 football pitches, 2.3 Manhattan Islands, 1 Channel Tunnel) to raise money for children in Nepal through a charity I helped set up many moons ago.
The program provides therapy, through art, dance and music and play it helps disadvantaged and often traumatized children heal and reminds them how to be kids again. A large portion of the kids we look after have travelled over the Himalayas from Tibet in order to seek refuge.
As an added incentive to donate to my effort, I will be raffling off one of my creations to every donor, and will also build a unique and custom instrument for whoever donates the highest amount (currently at an incredible £150!)
To donate, please go here: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/TomFox
To find out more about the charity please go here: http://www.artrefuge.org.uk/
  • A few weeks ago I gave a talk at the London Hackspace for the Acoustic Hacskapce meetup. You can read a very flattering write up about the evening over here.
As a result of that evening, I will be doing a gig in Brick Lane in September, more details on that to follow!
  • I currently have 3 commissions on the go, which is brilliant, very much looking forward to sharing these creations with you.